Love Letter

Did you know that God’s Word is a love letter to you? Years ago while reading Scripture, my heart began to beat faster and I had a heightened sense of extravagant love directed towards me. I connected the dots, that God’s Word was speaking directly to my heart. It’s not that my mind was bypassed, simply that my heat was now engaged as well. This was the beginning of a deep dive into God’s Word and the reality of the word in Hebrews:

God’s word is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

His Word is not for the faint of heart. His Word penetrates into the deep recesses of our thoughts and attitudes. Miraculously, though the Word is convicting at times even piercing the heart with truth, it fills us with His consuming love. Love letters are directed to people we love and are meant to bring a sense of well being, consistent with truth and filled with grace. The idea is if you love someone you are not going to send them a list of all the things that you wish to change about them, but instead extoll the virtues and loveliness of that person. Natural love as described is sweet bringing you into the radiance of the sender.

I met my husband when I was almost 16 years old. I married him at 18. Shudder to think of this now. So very young. My Daddy was not so sure that the man standing before him could support his youngest daughter.  Blount came prepared as I had warned him that this was not my Dad’s first rodeo. My sister had been through this with her fiancée. He took her fiancée into my sister’s closet and asked him if he could afford to buy her this many shoes! Indeed Blount and I were ready. He came with a budget in his hand, pulled it out of his pocket with his hands shaking, and my Dad (he loved doing this) said “are you kidding me?” Daddy did give his blessing finally and the rest is history. My future husband went back to college and began to write me love letters, and this week I found them in my storage closet. Just reading a few of them melted my heart.

When they arrived, I would take them into my quiet space and read them.  My heart beat faster and his love poured over me as I read them over and over again.

Friends, God’s Word is a love letter from Genesis to Revelation. He reveals Himself to us throughout and we begin to grow in love with Him more and more. First thing every morning, I grab my coffee and I sit with my Groom. Did you know that you are His bride? I journal those things that touch my heart and ask Him to examine my heart. In the words of King David:

Search my heart O God, and see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in everlasting life. 

As I reflect on the years of reading Scripture, what is most apparent is God’s Word is changing me. I have a tree outside that I thought was dying and needed to be cut down. My son-in-law is an arborist and he looked at it telling me that it is simply bending towards the sun because it is crowded out by our crepe myrtle and looking for sunlight. How like this we are. The world is filled with things that crowd out our time with the Lord; time in His Word. Isn’t it time to find our way back to His love letter?

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