12 Week Bible Study based on 1 & 2 Peter
Welcome to the study of I and II Peter. I am excited to be joining you in the adventure of learning more about Jesus Christ and the hope that He brings to each of us! One of the main themes of I Peter is that God will use our suffering as Christians to make us strong, firm, and steadfast. Peter writes to strengthen the persecuted Christians scattered throughout Asia Minor reminding them of God’s great and precious promises. His letter is filled with exhortations to live a holy, humble, and submitted life before God in order to allow suffering to work God’s character into their lives. Peter calls his readers to be a separate people, strangers to this world, and yet filled with hope and grace. Peter told them not to fear, but to set Christ apart in their hearts. That is true for us today as we seek to be a people set apart for Christ, bringing hope to others. Peter identifies the process whereby we grow to be more Christ-like, setting our hope fully on the grace to be given to us. (1:13). I Peter is a letter of hope, promise, and action encouraging us to be spiritual houses….offering spiritual sacrifices to God. (I Peter 2:5)
Table of Contents
Lesson 1: A People of Hope
Lesson 2: Faith Proved Genuine
Lesson 3: Pursuit of Holiness
Lesson 4: Living Stones
Lesson 5: Living in the Light
Lesson 6: Setting Christ Apart as Lord
Lesson 7: Casting all Your Anxieties on Jesus
Lesson 8: Resisting the Evil One
Lesson 9: His Diving Power
Lesson 10: Growing in Christ-Like Character
Lesson 11: Recognizing False Teaching
Lesson 12: Growing in the Grace and Knowledge of Jesus Christ
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