The Super Woman Syndrome

Although my blogs are read by men and women, this blog is directed primarily to women because women seem to struggle more with feelings of inadequacy, believing we are not enough. Perhaps I am wrong. But because I am around women most every day, I am acutely aware of this. Why do we think we […]
Step out in faith

This morning I want to share with you how to make space in your life to step out in faith when you sense you are called to do something- whether it is to make a change, do something that is a stretch, or challenging, or a shift in your thinking. Stepping out in faith […]
Has Your Light Been Dimmed?

As I sit to write this blog today, the question in my heart is: “Has your light been dimmed?” Jesus declared that we are a city on a hill and our light is supposed to shine brightly. I don’t know about you, but the last few months, I had grown weary and the thought […]
Fear’s Travel Companions

Below is in an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, which comes from my personal journal entries and the comfort the Lord gave me during times of fear. Here you’ll read how the Lord comforted me in regards to fear and its companions. I hope you are encouraged to seek the Lord […]
Letter to My Younger Self

Despite the commercials we see on tv or magazine ads we read, aging was not invented by Satan himself. It may feel like it at times when you look in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself. Or when you go for a run, or a walk or even a crawl and you can’t move […]
What a Beautiful Name

Today I want to share with you this beautiful song that has been on my heart lately, What a Beautiful Name. Below is a video of the Hillsong Worship version of this song with lyrics. Take a few minutes to listen, read the lyrics and reflect on the beautiful name of Jesus! For more […]
Love Letter

Did you know that God’s Word is a love letter to you? Years ago while reading Scripture, my heart began to beat faster and I had a heightened sense of extravagant love directed towards me. I connected the dots, that God’s Word was speaking directly to my heart. It’s not that my mind was bypassed, […]
Being Fruitful, Not Busy

I hear from so many women all the time about how they are overwhelmed with life – they’re stressed out and burned out. Women of God, that is not His plan for us. He wants us to seek Him and follow His lead. Here is an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional about […]
As For Me and My House

How many times have you said to someone; “My family does it this way”? I know I have. In explaining to people why we do what we do, what family rules we have in place, etc. I may say something close to: ” As for me and my household, we have decided to approach this […]
Video Blog – Pressing On

Today I want to share a video about pressing on in our spiritual journeys. Whether you’re exhausted from the strain of the pandemic or the hectic start of a new, virtual school year, it is important that we keep pressing on. God has great things in store for you! Women of God, if you […]