Pressing On

Good morning, Drawing Near to God community! Recently, I had the honor of preaching at my home church, St. Andrew’s in Mt. Pleasant. The title of my sermon was Pressing On, with the focus Scripture being Philippians 3.1-16. Here are some of the key points from the sermon, which you can listen to on the […]

Easier Said Than Done

Today on my Making Space Monday (for God that is!) I want to discuss how impossible it seems to grow fruit. Now I don’t mean fruit such as what grows on trees but fruit that grows in our hearts. Paul called this collectively “fruit” of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, […]

Honoring the Names of God

  Earlier this week, I posted the second video in my mini-series about dealing with anxiety by Making Space for God. Specifically, we looked at how Making Space for God through prayer and praise can be the antidote to anxiety. So today, let’s dive deeper into praising and honoring God. Below is an entry from […]