Three Deadly “D”s

Friends there are three deadly “D”s that threaten to ruin our celebration of Christmas. In fact these three are so common that they threaten to ruin any day anytime. They are not a respecter of seasons. They just jump right into our hearts and create chaos. They are: Disappointment Discouragement Doubt And they don’t have […]

Step out in Faith!

The entry below is from my daily devotional, Drawing Near to God.  I encourage you to join me for the winter semester (beginning in January) as we draw near to God at our Teaching & Worship Experience. And bring a friend! Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, “Go south to the road—the desert […]

Do You Want to See Jesus?

Welcome to Making Space Mondays! As a community of faith, we are on a journey to make space for God so let’s start our week off with a question: ” Do you want to see Jesus?” There was  man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see him. No doubt he had heard about him as word […]

Peace and Joy on the Earth

We are officially at the beginning of Advent; a time to focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ; a time to reflect and rejoice and remember why we celebrate Christmas– the coming of Christ! Reflect Rejoice Remember Mary, the mother of Jesus had a surprise visit from the angel Gabriel. He seems to […]

Be Anxious for Nothing

Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post titled, “Are You Worn Out Yet?” You see, sometimes our calendars and schedules can get overbooked and we get worn out from that. And other times it is our anxious thoughts that make us worn out. So that’s what I want to talk to you about today […]

Waiting and Wondering

As we approach Mother’s Day weekend, I want to share an older blog post about waiting. Some of you may be waiting to become mothers. Others may be waiting for a wayward child to turn around. You could be waiting for a relationship to be healed, for physical healing, for a job, you name it. […]

Anxiety in Your Internal Space

On Monday, I started a series of video blogs about a topic that many people have shared is a real struggle for them – anxiety. At our Drawing Near Conference this past weekend, Dr. Barry Black commissioned us to reverse anxiety with prayer. Take a look at my first video in this series here. In […]