Master Planner (Video blog)
We would love for you to join us at our Celebration Luncheon, March 26 – 10am, Seacoast Church, 750 Longpoint Road, Mt. Pleasant, SC. Come and see what the Lord has done through our study of Romans and Following the Call. Click Here to Register. Bring a friend! Connect with us! […]
Set the World on Fire
A few years back I went on vacation with my husband to Yellowstone National park. There were fires everywhere that had started when a camper had not fully extinguished their campfire. It destroyed much of the park. As we drove through the desolate forest, you could see the destruction first hand that a fire of […]
Suffering Has Kingdom Purpose
In a world where we hear so much bad news who wants to read a blog on suffering? I personally would rather go to the dentist and not use Novocaine. I want to get away from the bad news, isolate myself from hearing the tragic stories in the news. Just this week a beautiful 6 […]
God’s Workings Through Ordinary People
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” I Samuel 16:7 In I Samuel 16:1-7, we read that […]
What I Know to be True

Good morning and welcome to making space Monday. This blog is written for the purpose of helping us make space for God. Not sure how you found us here but glad you did! Today I want to share what has been on my heart this past week: There are a few things we know to […]
Why Me?

Sometimes I ask myself the question: ” Why me Lord?” Why do I have to forgive when I have been wronged? Why do I have to do something for someone else when I am so busy? Why do I have to be kind when someone has been unkind to me? The questions are endless and […]
Do Unto Others
New Years Eve as I was going over some of my New Year goals, I recalled a bible verse in Matthew 7:12 the Message translation: Here is a simple rule- of- thumb guide for behavior. Ask yourself what you want people to do for you, then grab the initiative and do it for them. I […]
Light of the World
The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 The people of Isaiah’s time walked in darkness, just as many people today walk in darkness. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came as prophesied in […]
Where is God?

It is not unusual for me to speak with people who ask if God exists, then where is He? Or if He is here why can’t we see Him? I always appreciate candid faith based discussions, because this is a good indicator that whoever is asking the questions is also seeking answers. God’s Word is […]
Give Thanks (Video Blog)

This morning as we approach Thanksgiving day, I am reminded how blessed we are to live in this country- the home of the free and the brave; the home where we can worship freely- one nation under God. We must remember that God still sits on the throne of this world and that His purposes […]