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Daily Devotional

Time with the Father is not a box to check off on the to-do list. Sometimes we are so overwhelmed with the day’s activities that we avoid going to God for fear of what to say, how to pray or just taking the time to slow down.
Daily Devotionals are a beautiful way to stay grounded in our faith. They allow us to enter his throne room with focus and intention and can become a release rather than a burden.

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Abiding Space Blog


Worthy is the Lamb that once was slain To receive all glory, pow’r, and praise For with Your blood You purchased us for God Jesus, You are worthy, that is what You are

Good morning friends! Today, I want to talk about God’s presence. Sometimes God’s presence may feel distant but I’m going to suggest that it’s not that God’s presence isn’t there. The question is,

In Luke 10, we read the story of Jesus in the home of two sisters, Martha and Mary. As Jesus was visiting Martha’s house, she was scurrying all around, cooking, and keeping house.

Good morning friends! Today I want to talk about practical ways to deal with our fears. Fear is real and it can be paralyzing. Fear can cause us to fight or flight. The

Have you ever wondered why you need a shepherd? Of course not. We are not sheep! But we do need a shepherd. We need to be led as Christians by the Great Shepherd

From the east I summon a bird of prey; from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose. What I have said that will I bring about; what I have planned, that