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Abiding Space Blog
Earlier this week we shared a video blog from Elise Booz on the Seasons of Waiting. We wanted to share with you her Prayer for the Waiting. For those who are waiting I
Our Guest for today’s blog is Elise Booz. Elise has been an active member of Drawing Near to God Ministry for many years. She and her family are members of St. Andrew’s Church,
I had a conversation today with someone about faith in our circumstances and so I thought I would share with all of you an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. As
I hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July weekend! For those of us who live in the United States, we have a unique home founded and based on our freedom. When
This morning I decided to have my devotional time outside as the sun was rising. I expected it to be a serene quiet time but the activity of the birds and squirrels made
Last week I woke up in the middle of the night with Jesus’ words to the women who came to His tomb after the crucifixion. On the first day of the week at