Beware of Bitter Root Judgments

Good afternoon and welcome to making space Mondays (for God that is). Some of you have just stumbled onto this blog because you are dealing with what the Bible calls bitter root judgments. Let me just put this out there on the front end. If you are a...

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The Tyranny of Jealousy

Good morning and welcome to Making Space Mondays! This morning we are making space for God to root out jealousy from our hearts. At the root of jealousy is pride and the combination can steal our freedom in Christ, impact our lives negatively, and create disruption in...

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Video Blog – Offenses

Good morning, Making Space for God community! Today I want to share with you a video blog about offenses. We've all been offended in our lives - some of us may have even encountered this over the holidays! But God has a way for us to deal with offenses. Let's take a...

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Why Me?

Do you ever think that God is out to get you, that He is just waiting for you to mess up? Sometimes, I meet Christians who view their lives through the "Why me?" lens. The question I have is this: " Why not you? " I say this because life has it's share of suffering...

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The Blame Game

Happy Monday! The other day I witnessed a couple in a heated argument. I was not eavesdropping; it was just impossible not to overhear their conversation. They were blaming each other for something that their child did. I went home and smugly thought to myself,  'So...

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The Tyranny of Jealousy

Good morning and welcome to Making Space Mondays! This morning we are making space for God to root...