Revive Us
Today my heart is heavy as two of my priests tested positive with the Corona Virus. My third priest has been sick for weeks and has also been tested. One of them is on ventilator. COVID 19 has shut down communities and caused anxiety and fear to rise up in many. So how do we […]
Where is God?

It is not unusual for me to speak with people who ask if God exists, then where is He? Or if He is here why can’t we see Him? I always appreciate candid faith based discussions, because this is a good indicator that whoever is asking the questions is also seeking answers. God’s Word is […]
Do You Want to See Jesus?
Welcome to Making Space Mondays! As a community of faith, we are on a journey to make space for God so let’s start our week off with a question: ” Do you want to see Jesus?” There was man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see him. No doubt he had heard about him as word […]
Peace and Joy on the Earth
We are officially at the beginning of Advent; a time to focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ; a time to reflect and rejoice and remember why we celebrate Christmas– the coming of Christ! Reflect Rejoice Remember Mary, the mother of Jesus had a surprise visit from the angel Gabriel. He seems to […]
The Mind of Christ
Happy Monday, making space for God friends! Last night, a Scripture kept running through my mind, so I thought we would unpack the meaning of it together. It has been following me throughout the day in my thought life and I keep wondering as Paul wrote these words to the people in Philippi: what was […]
A Gentle Answer

Today’s topic for making space for God Monday is based on the following Scripture: A gentle answer turns away wrath. Why is this the topic for today? Because I am trying to prepare us for the Christmas season. As we celebrate the advent of Jesus we also must prepare to celebrate with the arrival of […]
Our Stories
Today we concluded our semester study of Ruth and Esther with a little Jingle & Java! It was a fun time of fellowship with each other and beautiful worship led by Julianna Fletcher and team. Be sure to like our Facebook page to see some pictures that will be posted soon of the festive fun […]
Guest Blog Post – Give Yourself Permission to Nix the Christmas Card (and other trappings)

For those of you who follow my blog regularly, you may be noticing a theme here… The theme isn’t just Christmas but really embracing the reason for this season. Earlier this week I talked about inviting Christ’s light into our homes, workplaces and relationships. Today I want to share this wonderful post from my friend […]