Introduction to Isaiah

This was a great week as we kicked off our Teaching & Worship Experience and study of Isaiah! It was so great to see so many new faces and our familiar friends, too. Don’t forget that you sign up to join us via streaming and it’s never too late to join us in person, either! […]

Making Space For God

Most of you have found your way to my blog because you are searching for something more…. peace, significance, words of encouragement, help in suffering, and a myriad of other things. We are all searching for these things. My heart in writing the Making Space for God Monday blog, is to help us find these […]

Video Blog – Isaiah: A Book of Comfort

Good morning, Making Space for God Community! You’ve been hearing me talk about our study on Isaiah for a few weeks now — can you tell I’m getting excited? We start next week and I invite you to join me on this incredible journey as we study this book of consolation and comfort. Below is […]

Game On

Today we are going to Make Space for God together by looking at what causes people to compete with one another. There is healthy competition, such as athletes who have prepared for the competition and are actively charged to go out there and do their best. Then there is competition that involves wanting something that […]

Year of the Eagle

For those of you who follow my blog regularly, you may recall that earlier this year I had the sense that the Lord was telling me that this is the year of the Eagle. You can read more in my blog post, here. Three things that I heard the Lord calling me to do this […]


I don’t know about you but I value people who are authentic, real, vulnerable; those who speak the truth in love. It is apparent that the Holy Spirit has gotten hold of their lives and had his way. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. […]

The Majesty of God

Earlier this week, I shared about the joyful life God has promised us in my post, From Darkness to Light and how this fall, as we study Isaiah at our Teaching & Worship Experience,  we will look at ways to access the freedom God offers. Today I want to share a little bit from my daily […]

From Darkness to Light

Today I want to look at a scripture that has been on my heart. Paul writes in his letter to the Colossians: For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. (Colossians 1:13) Think about that for a moment. As Christians, as believers […]

Guest Blog – Qualified

Last month, I shared a guest blog post from my friend,  Sally Wallace. Sally is the women’s ministry leader for St. Andrew’s Church. A little more about Sally: I am an English teacher, attorney, and mom of four kids.  The only way this is accomplished with sanity is through the power of prayer; hence, this blog. […]

Dreaming with God

Consider this statement with me for a minute as we Make Space for God together on this beautiful Monday morning: Every dream must have a plan. Do you have a dream? Do you sense that God is calling you to do something, shift your path and follow your dreams? I recall listening to a speaker […]