A Grateful Heart
So often we say the words: “Have a grateful heart.” And yet when it comes down to it, it takes discipline to have a grateful heart. Most of us don’t want to be ungrateful, however it’s somehow easier to think about what we don’t have or what we do want. I recognized this years ago […]
Active Waiting

Today in our study of Esther, we looked at Esther 7 & 8. The book of Esther is very much about waiting, isn’t it? How many of you are waiting for something right now? I would imagine that everyone is raising their hands. We’re all waiting for something – for a job, a spouse, a friend […]
Imitation or Real?

Welcome to Making Space Monday (Making Space for God, that is!) Today I have something on my mind concerning being a fake or being real; the imitation/counterfeit or the real deal; the truth or the lie. What does Scripture teach us about the counterfeit? The online dictionary defines counterfeit as made in the exact imitation of […]
Our Shepherd and King
Good afternoon! For those of you who keep up with my blog weekly, you know that on Thursdays I share notes from my Thursday morning teachings. I do this so that those of you who cannot join us in person can get a feel for what we are studying and those of you who are […]
Shedding Old Clothes
Last week I was discussing the passage in Colossians 3 with someone and it gave me the opportunity to consider it more in depth. Put to death therefore whatever is earthly in you; sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness which is idolatry….Put on then as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, […]
Crisis & Response
A couple of months ago, I wrote a blog on how Crisis is Revealing. Today I taught on crisis and how we must respond as Christians, looking at Esther 3 & 4. I always share notes from my teaching on the blog on Thursdays. Let’s start by looking at spiritual warfare: Our battle is not against […]
True Meaning of Forgiveness

Good morning making space for God friends! As I sit here at my computer my heart is thinking about each of you who are dealing with unforgiveness. Yes, you have tried to forgive. You have even been generous to the person to whom you are offering forgiveness, however the sting in your heart is still […]
Puzzle Pieces
Today in our study of Esther we looked at Esther 1 & 2. Remember that even if you can’t join us live, you can sign up to follow along via streaming to hear the full teaching. I always share some of the notes from my teaching on my blog so today I want to share […]
Count it All Joy

Good morning friends! Today we are going to look at a way to make space for God when life overwhelms us. The Scripture I have been pondering is James 1:2: Count/ consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds. We all face trials— sometimes daily. Sometimes at the […]
Wake Up, Rise Up, Grow Up

Today we started the second half of our semester-long journey through the books of Ruth and Esther by looking at an overview of Esther. I’ll get into some of my notes from my teaching in a bit but first I want to share with you our call as the church to Wake Up, Rise Up […]