Millennials – Our Hope for the Future

Today my subject on Making Space for God Monday is our need to make space in our lives to parent God’s way. I recently watched a video on millennials three times. It was so informative and well done that it has given me a grasp on our youth and what makes them tick. It has […]

Are You at Peace?

Today I want to share with you an older blog post about peace that I think is very timely right now. It also ties in with a short talk I’ll be giving next week at a Meet & Greet at Ashley River Baptist Church on What’s in Your Backpack. If you are in the Charleston […]

Whom Shall I Fear?

Today’s subject for Making Space for God Monday is fear. There is no one on the planet who has not experienced fear. The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat.  Fear is something that we all have in common. It is unpleasant, often […]

Letting Go of the Old

Last week, I wrote about Taking a Risk. When God is leading is us to take a step out in faith, it can be scary. But when we follow God’s leading, we get to join Him in the new thing that He is doing in our lives. Sometimes embracing that new thing can mean letting […]

Taking Off Mask Friendships

Making Space for God friends, how many of you are struggling with a relationship? I suspect each of us has an extra grace required relationship that we are praying about.  But I have another question to ask:  In what ways have you invested in this relationship?” Over the years I have learned that relationships require […]

God’s Leading

In Monday’s Making Space for God blog post, I talked about Taking a Risk and specifically the question, “How do you know when God is asking you to step out in faith and take a risk?” God gives us signposts to help us discern His will. But once we’re ready to take that next step, it […]

Taking a Risk

Good morning,  Making Space for God friends! I have been thinking about something for the last few days. What if I choose to take a risk and then I fail miserably? I am embarking on a new season in the life of Drawing Near Ministry and we are in a time of great transition. At […]

Desires of Your Heart

In my Monday “Making Space for God” blog, I talked about Purpose and Direction. So many women share with me that the question they are most often asking is “What is my destiny?” The post below is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. As you may know, this devotional is a compilation of […]

Purpose and Direction

Dear friends, every week we look at ways to make space for God and this week I want to discuss purpose and direction. If you are a living-breathing-walking-on-earth person you have a destiny ordained by God. You are significant because you are His creation, His beloved and a daughter or son of the King. If […]

Video Blog – Faith Risk

Are you sensing that God is calling you out to take a risk, in faith? It can be a scary feeling, but it’s a good place to be. Let’s see what the Word of God says in this video blog. Watch below or at this link.               To receive […]