
Today we had our annual “Celebration Luncheon” where we celebrated everything that God has done in our midst during this Bible study year. These past two semesters have been amazing, full of transformation, healing and love. Our last semester we studied how “God is Real” in our lives and this semester we journeyed through the […]

Doubt is Part of Our Faith Journey

Recently I have had many conversations about doubt in relation to our Christian faith. I have been thinking of the disciples as Jesus hung on the cross: What went through their minds? How did their faith in Christ stand up against the evidence that their Messiah, the Son of God was being crucified?  And after […]

Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

This afternoon, I want to share with you this entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. This devotional is different than my 365-day devotional in the sense that the entries are specific to issues and emotions that we all face. This devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with […]

Lukewarm Christianity

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Today I have a Scripture on my mind that has always intrigued me. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold- I am about to spit you out of […]

Bread of Life

Today as we continued our journey through the Gospel of John, we looked at eight I am statements of Jesus. If you missed the teaching, I encourage you to catch up via streaming here. This afternoon, let’s look a little deeper at one of the I am statements — “I am the bread of life” — with […]

Commitment and Freedom

I have been thinking lately a lot about commitment. What does it mean to be fully committed? Why is commitment important? Why is it so difficult to be committed or stick with a commitment? Thought you all might like to explore some of these questions with me. I am intrigued by the two definitions I […]

Grace and Truth

This week in our study of the Gospel of John, we looked at Jesus’ encounter with the Pharisees and the guilty woman. In my teaching, I talked about not only this encounter but also where we’ve been and where we’re going in this study of John — you can catch up via live streaming here. […]

Are You On the Winning Team?

Good morning making space for God friends! I watched my grandson’s final basketball tournament game this past weekend. We are huge basketball fans in our family so as you can imagine we also love following all the latest NBA games. Sometimes we even dabble with a bet or two on websites like FanDuel. Anyway, I […]

God Has Not Abdicated His Throne

Over the weekend as I was walking through the woods, watching my husband and grandson play disc golf, I had a thought: God has not abdicated His throne As I watched the interaction between grandson and grandfather, I observed a relationship that was secure, safe, fun, and respectful of one another. And then I thought […]

Abundant Peace

Today in our study of the Gospel of John, we talked about Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. If you missed it, you can catch up by signing up for an account and watching the streaming here. We continue to talk about transformation and how Jesus transforms us. Today I want to share […]