Video Blog – Faith Risk

Are you sensing that God is calling you out to take a risk, in faith? It can be a scary feeling, but it’s a good place to be. Let’s see what the Word of God says in this video blog. Watch below or at this link. To receive […]
A Thankful Heart Transforms

As many of you who read my blog know, as the New Year began, I sensed the Lord saying that this was the year of transformation. Today I want to talk to you about one aspect of transformation – thankfulness. This can be hard – to give thanks in all circumstances. But it does bring […]
God is Near to the Broken-Hearted

Today I want to share with you a video that features some of the toys that are in my grandchildren’s playroom at my house. This may seem silly at first – these toys were played with by my children and now my grandchildren and have seen their share of wear and tear – but they […]
God’s Divine Purpose
Recently I read an article on black holes. Throughout the article, I was reminded of the Scripture: The universe declares the glory of God. Black holes were an entirely unwelcome consequence of Einstein’s theory of general relativity that ascribes gravity to the warping of space-time geometry by matter and energy. Too much mass in one […]
In the Wilderness

This morning I want to share with you today’s entry from my Drawing Near to God 365-day devotional. This entry is about the times when we wander into the “wilderness” of complaining, self-pity or feeling separated from God. But God never forsakes us! If you’re interested in reading more entries from this devotional book, you […]
Just Say Yes (to Using Your Gifts)

Good morning, my Making Space for God friends! So often we are told to learn to say no. And to be truthful, I find my self telling women often to say no– No to people pleasing No to saying yes to someone because it seems like a good thing to do but it’s hardly the […]
God Delights in Us

How God delights in us, His master creation! When he created the earth He said it was good…. and then He created man and said that it was very good. The pufferfish in this video is trying to attract a female pufferfish. He goes to extravagant lengths to get her attention by using his fins […]
Where Do I Belong?

Friends, there is a universal question that we all ask deep within our soul: ” Where do I belong?” There is a longing in each of us to belong. Perhaps you have never thought about it, but lingering behind every desire, every hope, and every wish for happiness, lies a need to belong. Recently I […]
The Perfect Woman

Earlier this week, I wrote about An Invitation to Be Yourself. As a follow-up, today I want to talk you about the Proverbs 31 woman. This woman is fruitful, the heart of the home, has the heart of God, and more. Let’s look more at who she is together and be encouraged and inspired. I’d […]
Keep Your Eyes on Me

I had a conversation today with someone about faith in our circumstances and so I thought I would share with all of you an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet. As you may know, this devotional is a compilation of journal entries from my personal quiet times with the Lord. These writings come out […]