Aging with Grace
As I age, I continuously hear women saying, “I want to age with grace.” What in the world does that mean? Does it mean to smile and bear it, not color your hair, grit your teeth and act like you like this thing call aging? No. I don’t think it means any of those things. […]
Working from Rest
Friends, I hear from people every day they are overwhelmed with life; emotionally or physically fatigued and even flat-lined in their faith. I have always believed that the enemy of best is good. So as we enter late spring, and end of the school year with ten thousand activities, let’s examine ways to reposition ourselves […]
The Tyranny of Jealousy
Good morning and welcome to Making Space Mondays! This morning we are making space for God to root out jealousy from our hearts. At the root of jealousy is pride and the combination can steal our freedom in Christ, impact our lives negatively, and create disruption in our relationships. What is jealousy? Jealousy is defined […]
Superwoman Syndrome
A few years ago, I wrote an op-ed titled the Superwoman syndrome. The point of the article was to help women who are overwhelmed with life make space for God in their lives. In a recent blog post on margins, I wrote the following on the same subject: Together we are on an amazing journey […]
Comforting God’s People
Happy Thursday, friends! As you know, this semester, we have been studying the book of Isaiah together – what an amazing time we’ve had digging through this amazing book! The book of Isaiah is literally packed with stories, history, characters, etc…the list goes on. So let’s start with a bit of a review of what we’ve […]
The Blame Game
Happy Monday! The other day I witnessed a couple in a heated argument. I was not eavesdropping; it was just impossible not to overhear their conversation. They were blaming each other for something that their child did. I went home and smugly thought to myself, ‘So glad that I am not prone to blaming my […]
The Regret Stealer
This morning I want to address a topic that is close to my heart. Something I have noticed is rampant among Christians is living with regret. We all have things that we wish we hadn’t done or said, but it seems that there is a disconnect with how to find freedom from the chains of […]
Game On
Today we are going to Make Space for God together by looking at what causes people to compete with one another. There is healthy competition, such as athletes who have prepared for the competition and are actively charged to go out there and do their best. Then there is competition that involves wanting something that […]
The Stuff that Drives Us Crazy
Today I want to share with you an older blog post that still rings true today – about the stuff that drives us crazy and how we, as Christians, are taught to react. There is a song that I just love about things that drive me crazy (you can listen to it here or below.) In […]
Forgive Them Anyway
This week I drove by a sign in front of someone’s office. It caused me to stop and think. Are people often unreasonable irrational and self-centered? Perhaps so. So that brings up another question: Should we really forgive unreasonable irrational people? The world in which we live is very different than the world in which […]