Light of the World
The Lord is my light and my salvation – whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life – of whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1 The people of Isaiah’s time walked in darkness, just as many people today walk in darkness. Jesus Christ, the Messiah, came as prophesied in […]
Identity in Christ (Video Blog)
Good morning, Making Space for God Community! Today I want to share with you a video blog about one of the most significant topics for women today – our identity in Christ. The world and our culture try to send us so many messages and tell us who we are, but the true question is […]
Hope is More Than You Think
Hope is more than you think. It is not some pie-in-the-sky wishful thinking. It is not a just a vision of a preferable future (although that’s good to have). It is not Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz who thought if she could just close her eyes and click her red shoes she would be […]
The Redeemer

This week concluded our study of Isaiah and wow, what a semester it has been! As you know, I enjoy sharing my teaching notes here on the blog so here on the notes from the final lesson, Lesson 12 : The Redeemer. The redemptive power of Christ is seen through His love that draws us […]
Healed by His Wounds
Once again, I wanted to pop in here and share with you some notes from my weekly teaching. Although our study of Isaiah is coming to a close, we’re excited to be offering not one but two studies during our semester starting in January. I invite you to join me for a short 3-week series […]
God’s Strength to Deliver
This week, we continued our study of Isaiah with the lesson, “God’s Strength to Deliver.” As you know, I like to share notes from my weekly teaching here on the blog. So, let’s start by looking at the meditation verse for this lesson — ‘Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say […]
Rest for Our Souls

This week, we continued our study of Isaiah with the lesson, “Rest for Our Souls.” As you know, I like to share notes from my weekly teaching here on the blog. So, let’s start by looking at the meditation verse for this lesson — In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust […]