Kick Fear to the Curb

Last week in a course that I am currently teaching, Living in God's Presence, we looked at the life of Moses and how he fled his place of honor as an adopted child of Pharaoh's daughter. He saw a Hebrew man who was a slave, being beaten by an Egyptian and enraged, he...

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Good morning Making Space for God friends! This last weekend I realized that I am sick and tired of my phone. And I mean it. I am on a few group text threads and I lost track of the conversation. By the time I picked up the whole conversation had shifted and I was...

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Game On

Today we are going to Make Space for God together by looking at what causes people to compete with one another. There is healthy competition, such as athletes who have prepared for the competition and are actively charged to go out there and do their best. Then there...

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Feed My Sheep

Good morning and welcome to Making Space  for God Mondays where as a community of believers we seek to make space for God. Today we are going to answer the question: What field has God placed us in and who are we supposed to be feeding? What I mean in common language...

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Love Has a Name

Lately I have been hearing a whole lot of talk about love-- what love is and what it is not both in secular and in faith circles. And what I find fascinating is that we talk about love in so many ways. Love is defined. according to Google search, as An intense feeling...

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Waiting and Wondering

As we approach Mother's Day weekend, I want to share an older blog post about waiting. Some of you...