Jesus Has Not Left His Post

Today I have been thinking about the scripture that tells us that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father. After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up to heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.  (Mark 16:19) In today’s world that is chaotic, do you ever […]

Resetting Our Hearts

Welcome to our newly named blog called Abiding Space. Our Drawing Near to God community is launching our changes this week to include our new website, new offerings and lots of exciting ways for us to connect with each other. Let’s face it, we need connection now more than ever. We have been experiencing the […]

What I Know to be True

Good morning and welcome to making space Monday. This blog is written for the purpose of helping us make space for God. Not sure how you found us here but glad you did! Today I want to share what has been on my heart this past week: There are a few things we know to […]