The Hamster Wheel of Busyness
May is in full swing and I’ve heard it said that “May is the new December.” Just like December fills up with shopping, Christmas parties, holiday activities, etc., May seems to fill up quickly with recitals, end of the year parties, graduation ceremonies and more. While these are all good things, we must recognize when […]
When You Can’t Look Up
Dear Making Space for God friends, today is a follow up on last week’s blog, Look Up Not Down. One of my good friends was describing how she and her husband had been through a frightening and difficult time recently and when she had difficulty looking up to God, her friends helped her to look […]
In an Instant
Beloved making space for God friends, I write this blog with a heavy heart. Around 3:45 yesterday morning I woke up because I smelled smoke. I searched the house and everything looked ok. Then I went outside and saw fire embers raining down in my yard and heard fire trucks coming down my street. My […]
What is Love?
This past weekend we had our Drawing Near to God conference. For those of you who are not familiar with our ministry, check us out. Our theme was unity, and as one of the keynote speakers, my topic was Christ’s love which is the basis for all true unity. It was His radical love for […]
Did God Really Say?
Today is another glorious day as we seek to Make Space for God together. I am sitting outside listening to the birds and marveling at God’s creation. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep and the Spirit […]
Resurrection Perspective
Easter morning…. the tomb was empty. It was the single most significant event ever to transpire. Jesus Christ rose from the grave!! Mary was weeping… and then rejoicing when she discovered that Jesus was alive. All hope was buried in the tomb but the grave could not hold him. Today is the Monday after Easter […]
Taking Back the Ground
Good morning Making Space for God friends! Recently someone prayed for me to take back the land. Honestly I did not know why she prayed that, but upon reflecting, I knew it was the Lord. I thought about all the prayers I had been praying for years and more specifically how I was praying. My […]
Be Careful What You Think
Welcome to Making Space Monday (for God, that is!) As we continue our journey of spiritual growth together, I want to address our thought life. Scripture is clear that as a man thinks so he is. This is one of my favorite Scriptures because it always gives me cause to observe my actions to see […]
Keep it Simple
This weekend I kept thinking of ways to simplify my life. My New Year’s resolution (after praying and asking the Lord what was on His heart) was to be intentional, strategic and to simplify. Part of me thought that was just wishful thinking. But I committed this to prayer seeking God’s will for my life […]
Forgetting the Past
I have been thinking a lot lately about why it is so difficult to put our past behind us– specifically those things we would rather forget. We sometimes simply get stuck in the past and find it impossible to grab hold of the future. With one hand in the past, it is difficult to move […]