Crisis is Revealing
This last week in preparation for a Category 5 hurricane we all witnessed some amazing things. We were able to see how resilient and strong people really are. Currently as I am writing this blog, Florida is being hit on all sides and the weather channel is describing the catastrophic results. But here is what […]
The Harvest is Plentiful…
Today is Labor Day. Labor Day in the United States is a public holiday on the first Monday in September. It honors the American labor movement and the contributions that workers have made to the prosperity and well being of the country. For many Americans, Labor Day also marks the beginning of the school year […]
Peace and Joy are Not Options
Today’s subject on Making Space Mondays is based on the Scripture Romans 14:17: For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. What strikes me in this Scripture is that as believers, a part of God’s kingdom, we cannot opt out of kingdom […]
Ordinary People with Extraordinary Power
Earlier this week I shared a post about A Dose of God Confidence. Did that resonate with you? I sense that so many women see themselves as “ordinary” but what we all need is a dose of “God confidence,” which comes from spending time with Him and in His Word. He equips us and leads […]
Millennials – Our Hope for the Future
Today my subject on Making Space for God Monday is our need to make space in our lives to parent God’s way. I recently watched a video on millennials three times. It was so informative and well done that it has given me a grasp on our youth and what makes them tick. It has […]
Whom Shall I Fear?
Today’s subject for Making Space for God Monday is fear. There is no one on the planet who has not experienced fear. The definition of fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. Fear is something that we all have in common. It is unpleasant, often […]
Taking a Risk
Good morning, Making Space for God friends! I have been thinking about something for the last few days. What if I choose to take a risk and then I fail miserably? I am embarking on a new season in the life of Drawing Near Ministry and we are in a time of great transition. At […]
Purpose and Direction
Dear friends, every week we look at ways to make space for God and this week I want to discuss purpose and direction. If you are a living-breathing-walking-on-earth person you have a destiny ordained by God. You are significant because you are His creation, His beloved and a daughter or son of the King. If […]
Tell Your Heart To Beat Again
Good morning making space for God friends! Some of you know that I have written a book titled “Tell Your Heart to Beat Again.” The book is a call to Christians, to reposition yourself for God to use you for His glory. Jesus describes Christians corporately as a “city on a hill”; that we are […]
God’s Divine Purpose
Recently I read an article on black holes. Throughout the article, I was reminded of the Scripture: The universe declares the glory of God. Black holes were an entirely unwelcome consequence of Einstein’s theory of general relativity that ascribes gravity to the warping of space-time geometry by matter and energy. Too much mass in one […]