Facing Your Goliaths

This week as we continue our Making Space Mondays, my topic is facing our fears– our Goliaths; those things that threaten to take us down. I saw a post this week on our Drawing near Facebook that was so powerful: David, a shepherd boy, one day called to be King of Israel, learned to face […]

Living the Spirit-Filled Life

This week as we continued our journey through Romans, we talked about living a Spirit-filled life. In Romans, Paul built upon the struggle that was expressed in Romans 7 – the struggle between sin and man. In our lesson this week, looking at Romans 8, Paul now turns his focus to the Holy Spirit, the […]

Do I Belong?

Friends, we all have a longing to belong; belong in a family, a group of friends, fit in in our workplace, But the biggest desire we have to belong can only be filled by God.  Having a bunch of friends on Instagram or Facebook only gives us a false sense of belonging. Now let’s get […]

Effective Prayer

‘The heartfelt and persistent prayer of a righteous man (believer) can accomplish much when put into action and made effective by God—it is dynamic and can have tremendous power.’ – James 5:16 (Amp.) Hello, Making Space for God community! This week, our study of Isaiah continued with a look at the topic of effective prayer. In the […]

The Blame Game

Happy Monday! The other day I witnessed a couple in a heated argument. I was not eavesdropping; it was just impossible not to overhear their conversation. They were blaming each other for something that their child did. I went home and smugly thought to myself,  ‘So glad that I am not prone to blaming my […]

God’s Strength to Deliver

This week, we continued our study of Isaiah with the lesson, “God’s Strength to Deliver.” As you know, I like to share notes from my weekly teaching here on the blog. So, let’s start by looking at the meditation verse for this lesson — ‘Strengthen the feeble hands, steady the knees that give way; say […]

Training Tips

Good afternoon, Making Space for God friends! Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching at my church, St. Andrew’s, in Mt. Pleasant, SC. The theme of my sermon was “Press On” and I used Paul’s letter to the Philippians to help illustrate this topic. So, today I wanted to share with you an older blog […]

Imitation or Real?

Welcome to Making Space Monday (Making Space for God, that is!) Today I have something on my mind concerning being a fake or being real; the imitation/counterfeit or the real deal; the truth or the lie. What does Scripture teach us about the counterfeit? The online dictionary defines counterfeit as made in the exact imitation of […]

Christian Standard of Living

Earlier this week, I wrote about our call as Christians to rise up in Christ and live a joy-filled life. You can read that post here. Today I want to share with you an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional with that same theme – that true joy comes from the Lord. This […]

Video Blog – Press On

Today I want to share with you a video about pressing on in our spiritual journeys. Whether you’re exhausted from hectic holidays or you’re just ready to turn over the calendar to the New Year, it’s important that we keep pressing on. God has great things for you! Happy New Year, Drawing Near to God […]