What a Beautiful Name

Today I want to share with you this beautiful song that has been on my heart lately, What a Beautiful Name. Below is a video of the Hillsong Worship version of this song with lyrics. Take a few minutes to listen, read the lyrics and reflect on the beautiful name of Jesus!   For more […]

Love Letter

Did you know that God’s Word is a love letter to you? Years ago while reading Scripture, my heart began to beat faster and I had a heightened sense of extravagant love directed towards me. I connected the dots, that God’s Word was speaking directly to my heart. It’s not that my mind was bypassed, […]

As For Me and My House

How many times have you said to someone; “My family does it this way”? I know I have. In explaining to people why we do what we do, what family rules we have in place, etc. I may say something close to: ” As for me and my household, we have decided to approach this […]

Video Blog – Pressing On

Today I want to share a video about pressing on in our spiritual journeys. Whether you’re exhausted from the strain of the pandemic or the hectic start of a new, virtual school year, it is important that we keep pressing on. God has great things in store for you!   Women of God, if you […]

Do You Like Yourself?

Here we are again, together on this Abiding Space blog. It’s a place where together as a Drawing Near community we are trying to make space for God; make space not just to know Him but to enjoy HIm. And… it’s a place where I am able to express the things that are on my […]

Video Blog – Breathe, Just Breathe

  You may have heard me speak many times about sharing Christ with those around us by sharing Christ within us. As such, I also wanted to share with you this video about “just breathing” in the presence of God.  This is not only relevant to the message about our culture but also during this […]

Shame is Not Your Inheritance

Sometimes I think my mind stays in overdrive. My brain simply will not cut off. Today I have been thinking about a scripture I read in my devotional time. The word shame jumped out on me. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him […]

Guest Blog – Extravagant Kindness

This is my dear friend and Drawing Near to God Ministry board member, Mark Andrews with a great blog post on Extravagant Kindness.                     Ephesians 4:31- 5:2 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, with all malice, […]

Sword, Plough, Trumpet

  From that day on, half of my men did the work, while the other half were equipped with spears, shields, bows and armor. The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the […]

Are Your Lines Crossed?

This week I finally called Comcast. I say finally because my internet has gone out multiple times and then it comes back on. It did not work for me to unplug the modem as we are told to do. It didn’t help to talk to the Comcast agents for what seemed like an eternity. You […]