Pruning Can Be Fruitful
Sometimes we simply need pruning. Our season of life has shifted and we are holding on not wanting change. We know the grace has lifted and yet we cling to what we know even though this part of our lives is not bearing fruit. Perhaps one of these things fits your circumstances: Your job has […]
God With Us
Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come and that His name would be Emmanuel, God with us. There are days when I wonder if God is preoccupied with more important things than me. Do you ever think that way? But then I remember His name, Emmanuel, God with us. The character of God is expressed […]
The Super Woman Syndrome
Although my blogs are read by men and women, this blog is directed primarily to women because women seem to struggle more with feelings of inadequacy, believing we are not enough. Perhaps I am wrong. But because I am around women most every day, I am acutely aware of this. Why do we think we […]
Love Letter
Did you know that God’s Word is a love letter to you? Years ago while reading Scripture, my heart began to beat faster and I had a heightened sense of extravagant love directed towards me. I connected the dots, that God’s Word was speaking directly to my heart. It’s not that my mind was bypassed, […]
Being Fruitful, Not Busy
I hear from so many women all the time about how they are overwhelmed with life – they’re stressed out and burned out. Women of God, that is not His plan for us. He wants us to seek Him and follow His lead. Here is an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional about […]
As For Me and My House
How many times have you said to someone; “My family does it this way”? I know I have. In explaining to people why we do what we do, what family rules we have in place, etc. I may say something close to: ” As for me and my household, we have decided to approach this […]
It’s the Little Things That Count
I had an epiphany this week. Normally, If I am going to worry (although my Mom tells me worrying is a sin:) I worry over the big things, not the little things. But I had a conversation with my friend that made me realize that it’s actually the little things that matter. Not that I […]
My Big Fat Greek Wedding
In case some of you are unaware, I am of Greek descent. Have any of you seen the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding? If you haven’t its a must see. I have watched it over and over with my family and we laugh every time because it’s us! My husband likes to say I […]
Is Your Heart Hardened?
The past few days I have been talking to God about my heart. I was impatient with my husband, irritated with a project I needed to complete, and angry that the pandemic just won’t go away! It was a full on pile up of emotions mixed with a sense of frustration. Makes me think of […]
Enemy Doesn’t Play Fair but God Does
This morning I am like a dog with a bone on a subject that is near to my heart. Why? Because I have just walked through taking the bait of the enemy. The trap he set for me was discouragement. Anyone been there lately? The enemy doesn’t play fair but God always wins… if we […]