Increasing our Faith

I am often asked how to read Scripture. My response is to allow the Word to read you, to have the Word speak to you as a love letter from God the Father. When I read Scripture, I ask the Lord to speak to me through His Word and journal what I sense He is […]

Is Your Heart Hardened?

The past few days I have been talking to God about my heart. I was impatient with my husband, irritated with a project I needed to complete, and angry that the pandemic just won’t go away! It was a full on pile up of emotions mixed with a sense of frustration. Makes me think of […]

Cracked Pots

As I write this blog, I am thinking about each of you reading it and how world events have impacted us all in very real and stressful ways. I have heard from some of you that you are weary, that your faith is ebbing, and that you are needing encouragement and hope. Last week I […]

Daily Devotional – June 22

Our Counselor, the Holy Spirit   And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever  –John 14:16   Jesus promised His disciples that His Father would send the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, to them when He returned to the Father. The Holy Spirit would lead them […]

People of Hope

  But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. I Peter 3:15     Peter encourages the persecuted scattered Christians to put their hope in […]

Seek His Kingdom First

Good morning and welcome to Abiding Space blog. Some of you may have discovered us inadvertently but I am glad you are here. Every week we discuss ways to make space for God to help us from being overwhelmed with life. As women we are busy multi-taskers, some of us raising children. balancing work and […]

Brotherly Love

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:9-10  Unconditional love, agape love, must be the basis for all that we  do.  Paul exhorts Christians in the 1st century church, and likewise today,  to be sincere […]

Resetting Our Hearts

Welcome to our newly named blog called Abiding Space. Our Drawing Near to God community is launching our changes this week to include our new website, new offerings and lots of exciting ways for us to connect with each other. Let’s face it, we need connection now more than ever. We have been experiencing the […]

Time Out

We are just beginning to emerge from from a world wide “time out”. It is surreal to think that the pandemic caused many of us to shelter at home. Now we are beginning to reopen cities, jobs returning and a new normal is being set for us. But before we race off to the new […]

Mothers Unite

Since Yesterday was Mother’s Day, I want to direct this post to mothers around the country and encourage all of you mothers out there who are discouraged, weary, guilt-ridden-stressed-filled, and simply worn out. Some of you may not be Moms yet or are spiritual Moms but the principle of seeking Jesus first is the same. […]