Is God Enough?

My church welcomed a guest pastor over the weekend, a gentleman full of vigor and passion for the Lord. He described his life that he has spent dedicated to serving others; yet, gave testimony to the challenging times, the times when life caused him to “fall.” I found myself captivated by his story. I wanted to […]

His Presence Brings Purpose

praying at cross beach

Today friends we are going to look at where to find our purpose and identity. Society gives us identity through our social security number, our job, our background, etc. But at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is that we please our King because our identity is truly in Him. In […]

Speak Truth

It seems these days that most of us are receiving an overload of messages via texting, emails, phone calls, radio, t.v., and the list is endless. Our brains are on overload and I don’t know about you but my brain processing software either needs to be updated, or I need a new brain. I am […]

In the Beginning

This week in our study of “His Great Name,” we learn about Elohim, Our Creator. In the beginning GOD… (Genesis 1) In the beginning was the WORD (John 1) God was in the beginning and His Son was with Him– Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; as the earth was created. So how does knowing that […]

Where Blessings Flow

This morning during my quiet time with the Lord, I had an epiphany. I had begun a process a few weeks before of beginning each day by praising and thanking God for all the blessings He has given me, reminding myself that Scripture tells us that all good things come from God. ALL… not some […]

God is Still on the Throne

This week I want to address the subject of feeling powerless. I have been talking to many people who are in despair for a multitude of reasons. It’s something that at one time or another we all deal with and often we find that hopelessness jumps into the same wagon. We see a high level […]

Beware of Perspective

My last few blogs have been about the New Year and this one is the same! I have decided in the New Year to beware of my perspective– with people, decisions, understanding circumstances, etc. It is all too easy to have a false perspective and it seems to happen to me way too often. As […]

Come Just as You Are

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Last week as I was preparing to meet some friends for dinner, I looked in the mirror and thought, “Boy, do I look terrible.” I even entertained the idea of not going because facing the redo that was needed was daunting. It was the end of the day […]

Cargo in the New Year

Happy and blessed New Year! Today I want to challenge you not to bring your baggage into the New Year. It is easy to check off last year and head full on into the New Year carrying a backpack filled with things that were in the old season; good things but perhaps not the best […]

Listen More

Happy New Year (and Making Space for God Thursday)! As we start the New Year, I’d like to propose that, as a Drawing Near to God community,  we make a resolution to listen more – to listen to God’s voice and to each other. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with […]