Speak Truth

Good morning and welcome to those of you who are just joining our Making Space Mondays (For God, that is). Recently I had to do something that was very difficult. I had to speak the truth in order to help clarify a situation. When I began to think about what I would say, I came […]
Replacing Fear

This week I invited Jayne Gurley to be a guest teacher at our weekly Teaching & Worship Experience in the study, Living in God’s Presence. Focusing on our lesson, “His Presence Destroys Our Enemies” Jayne did a beautiful job teaching us strategies for when we encounter fears. You can read her strategies and accompanying Scripture […]
Bucket List
I have always been intrigued by the expression ” bucket list”. I wonder who made up that phrase meaning those things that we hope to do in our lifetime? When I think of a bucket, I think of filling it up with water, or seashells since I live near the beach…. but things I want […]
His Enduring Mercy
This week in our study, Living in God’s Presence, our lesson was about His Enduring Mercy. So let’s talk a little about mercy. It is God’s perfect love that drives mercy. Let’s look at a few definitions that I mentioned during my talk — Mercy, compassion, kindness and justice are the characteristics of God Mercy- […]
Love Hurts

I am writing this blog with a heavy heart. My Dad is dying and it is so very sad for all of us. He has been a remarkable Father in many ways and letting go is one of the most difficult things I have had to do in my lifetime. What I realized today, is […]
Show Us Your Glory
This week in our study, Living in God’s Presence, we talked all about God’s glory. We reviewed the story of Moses in Exodus 33 and the “crossroads” point of his life. We all face crossroads points in our life. If you’re not at one now, you will be. The most important crossroads we will encounter […]
Raising Girls
Good morning Drawing Near community! The favorite part of my week is to blog on different subjects of interest and normally of interest to both men and women. This week I am addressing a subject that was brought to my attention by one of my Drawing Near leaders. And by the way, these leaders are […]
Friend of God
Happy Valentine’s Day to our Drawing Near to God community! As God would have it, this week in our study, Living in God’s Presence, we talked about the friendship and true love we have in God. His timing is perfect! You see, Jesus came not with the love of power but with the power of love. […]
Kick Fear to the Curb
Last week in a course that I am currently teaching, Living in God’s Presence, we looked at the life of Moses and how he fled his place of honor as an adopted child of Pharaoh’s daughter. He saw a Hebrew man who was a slave, being beaten by an Egyptian and enraged, he killed him. […]
Consuming Fire
Good afternoon, Drawing Near to God community! We are continuing our journey through my study, Living in God’s Presence. The theme of this week is “Consuming Fire.” In this week’s study, we looked at Moses’ encounter with God through the burning bush. Here’s a short video clip that we watched that really brings the story […]