Press On
As I mentioned in a blog post last week, I recently had the privilege of being a guest preacher at my church, St. Andrew’s Church in Mt. Pleasant. Our church recently had a fire – you can read more about it in this blog post – and our church is meeting at a local school […]
Broken and Beautiful
Good morning Making Space for God friends! I have been enjoying summer with lots of grandchildren coming and going (mostly coming:)) and loving it. My schedule is a bit freed up in the summer so I take advantage of every minute I can have with them. This week we went to the beach with my […]
Our Burning Bush
Today I want to share with you the day’s entry for my daily devotional, Drawing Near to God. As a reminder, you can follow along with the devotional on our website or via our mobile app. It’s great to do the devotional with friends and family too – I know I’ve enjoyed doing the devotional […]
Training Tips
Good afternoon, Making Space for God friends! Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching at my church, St. Andrew’s, in Mt. Pleasant, SC. The theme of my sermon was “Press On” and I used Paul’s letter to the Philippians to help illustrate this topic. So, today I wanted to share with you an older blog […]
Peace That Transcends Understanding
Are you seeking peace today? Below is an entry from my devotional, Sitting at His Feet, with encouragement that the Lord has given me when I have been seeking peace. No matter what situation we are facing in our lives, He encourages us to turn to Him, our Prince of Peace, for a peace that […]
Video Blog – What Marriage is as Christian Believers
Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Today I want to share with you something that’s been on my heart – what marriage means as Christian believers. Whether or not you’re married or have been married, marriage paints a beautiful picture for us of spiritual growth. I specifically want to share with you three things […]
This morning I decided to have my devotional time outside as the sun was rising. I expected it to be a serene quiet time but the activity of the birds and squirrels made it fairly noisy! I loved watching the birds on the feeder. And then… a persistent squirrel made his way to the bird […]
Rebuilding Ancient Ruins

Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Independence Day holiday yesterday! We are so blessed to live in the United States and to enjoy the freedom and liberty our country provides. Today I want to reflect on the freedom that the Lord also provides. It is He who repairs the broken-down areas of our lives. […]
Feed My Sheep
Good morning and welcome to Making Space for God Mondays where as a community of believers we seek to make space for God. Today we are going to answer the question: What field has God placed us in and who are we supposed to be feeding? What I mean in common language is; Where has God placed me […]
Jehovah, the Promise Keeper
My blog post earlier this week, When God Says No, dealt with the the three deadly “d”s — disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment. Today I want to talk to you a little bit about disappointment. You see, we all face our share of disappointments and God will not always answer our prayers when – or in the same way […]