A Life of Resurrection

I love our Teaching & Worship Experience and how it brings us together each week, either through our live study, streaming/community groups or here on the blog. So today I wanted to share with you some of my notes from this week’s lesson. This week, we looked at Ephesians 2:1-10. In this text, Paul’s letter […]
Who Am I?
Happy Monday and thanks for joining our band of Making Space for God friends. I told someone yesterday that we need to do this together. Paul describes in his letter to the Ephesians, that we are a community bound together in our love for Jesus. We are on this spiritual journey of deepening our faith […]
A Life of Prayer

Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 1 15:23. As you know, I share notes from my teachings here on the blog. In this lesson, as we look at Paul’s prayer, we see: He goes directly to God in prayer. There is no go-between He prays for wisdom and revelation and hearts […]
Come Just As You Are

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Last week as I was preparing to meet some friends for dinner, I looked in the mirror and thought, “Boy, do I look terrible.” I even entertained the idea of not going because facing the redo that was needed was daunting. It was the end of the day […]
A Life of Spiritual Blessing
Today in our study of Ephesians, we looked at Ephesians 1:1-14. From these verses, we learn that we are: Chosen Adopted Redeemed Forgiven We see this through the Father electing (vs. 4-6), the Son redeeming (7-12) and the Holy Spirit sealing (13-14). As you know, I like to share my notes from my teaching on […]
God is Still on the Throne

This week in my Making Space for God post, I want to address the subject of feeling powerless. I have been talking to many people who are in despair for a multitude of reasons. It’s something that at one time or another we all deal with and often we find that hopelessness jumps into the […]
Making Space for God in the New Year
Happy New Year, Making Space for God friends! Have any of you decided to set goals for the New Year? Mine are to be more intentional, strategic, simplify and minimize. Please join me as we make space for God in the New Year to study Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and together we will make […]
Joshua’s Faithful Response

Earlier this week on the blog, I proposed that, as a Drawing Near to God community, we resolve to Listen More in 2018 – listen to God, that is. We live in a noisy world so we must be intentional in order to listen to what God is saying. This year, my family and I (10 […]
Listen More
Happy New Year (and Making Space for God Monday)! As we start the New Year, I’d like to propose that, as a Drawing Near to God community, we make a resolution to listen more – to listen to God’s voice and to each other. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with […]
Plans to Prosper
As we look toward the New Year and people make plans, hopes and aspirations, I thought I would share an entry from my Drawing Near to God devotional (which you can also read online, receive each day in your inbox or view on our mobile app. Remember that God has plans for you and to […]