The Lethal Poison of Rejection

As I sit at my computer reaching out to our community of making space for God folks, I am all too aware that some of you are facing serious rejection; that as you read these words they may be the lifeline that you need to move from off the cliff of rejection and onto the […]

Redemption at the Gate

Today was our last week looking at Ruth in our study of Ruth and Esther. Here is a quick summary of what the story of Ruth has shown us on many levels: God paves the way for the king that His people need. Not just about God’s faithfulness (Hesed) to Naomi and Ruth. God’s covenant […]

Joy Stealer

Good morning, Making Space for God friends! Over the weekend I was with a group of friends and our conversation centered around so many sorrowful issues we have been facing in our country. Last week the Las Vegas shooting was the key topic; lives lost, families suffering. I listened to conversations about teenagers who had […]

Staying in Your Lane

Today we continued our study of Ruth & Esther by looking at Ruth 3.  Even if you aren’t joining us in person or via streaming, I encourage you to read through Ruth with us, as I will continue to share notes from my teachings here on the Thursday blogs. As you may know, in our lessons […]

Changing Seasons

    Friends, one of the most difficult things to discern is the change of seasons in our lives. I led a retreat last weekend on finding our sacred space and discovered that there is an epidemic happening called busyness. It’s good to be productive and God wants us to use our gifts for His […]

Meeting in the Barley Field

Good afternoon! Today we continued our study of Ruth & Esther by looking at Ruth 2 As I’ve mentioned before, I’ll be sharing my notes from my weekly teachings here on the blog so be sure to check weekly to catch up on those. You can enter your email on the top right of my […]

Slow to Anger

I recall a few years ago getting a call from a friend who said they needed help with their anger; that they simply could not help being angry all the time and that it was becoming obvious that something was brewing under the surface of their heart. The problem was they did not know what […]

Thy Will Be Done

Today in our continuation of the study of Ruth & Esther, we looked at “Returning to Bethlehem.” In the book of Ruth, we see how Moab was a picture of emptiness. Moabites were created from an incestuous relationship, driven from their original land, and yet, in the end, becoming the place of God’s fullness; Moab was […]

What’s On Your Mind?

One of my favorite Scriptures is: How a man thinks so He is. (Proverbs 23:7) So what’s on your mind? Because according to this Scripture, our thoughts impact the way that we live. Pondering this I decided to take inventory on my thoughts today. I became acutely aware that my God thoughts (thoughts in agreement […]

Believing in the Bigger Story

Last week,  I shared with you some notes from my introduction to Ruth & Esther, and how we’re all part of the Bigger Story.  Here is a recap of those notes: Our life counts for something bigger than just our life Our life in Christ becomes part of the bigger story of the story of […]