Feed My Sheep
Good morning and welcome to Making Space for God Mondays where as a community of believers we seek to make space for God. Today we are going to answer the question: What field has God placed us in and who are we supposed to be feeding? What I mean in common language is; Where has God placed me […]
Video Blog – The Perfect Woman
Does anyone ever start reading Proverbs 31 and your heart starts pounding? That’s happened to me. But the truth is, this passage (which I encourage you to read today), has some precious gems for us as a guide for how to live. Let’s take a look together in this video blog:
Love Has a Name
Lately I have been hearing a whole lot of talk about love– what love is and what it is not both in secular and in faith circles. And what I find fascinating is that we talk about love in so many ways. Love is defined. according to Google search, as An intense feeling of deep affection, […]
Worrying is Not an Option
What if worrying were not an option? What if we had only two options: 1. Trust God 2. Let go of control. Actually, as part of humankind, we all worry at one time or another. It’s in our nature. But wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could not worry; if we simply could not […]
One Spirit
Today I want to talk about unity. Unity has been on my heart for a long time now – unity for our nation, families, churches and communities, and unity with Christ. In fact, Unity: Bringing Hearts Together is the theme for our upcoming Drawing Near to God Conference next week, April 13-14 at Ashley River […]
Be Careful What You Think
Welcome to Making Space Monday (for God, that is!) As we continue our journey of spiritual growth together, I want to address our thought life. Scripture is clear that as a man thinks so he is. This is one of my favorite Scriptures because it always gives me cause to observe my actions to see […]
His Love Endures Forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, His love endures forever. Give thanks to the the Lord of lords. His love endures forever To Him alone who does great wonders, His love endures forever. This is just the beginning of Psalm 136 which continues in the same vein– reminding God’s people that in all that […]
Spirit and Power
If you follow my blog each week, you know that we are studying Ephesians at our Teaching & Worship Experience each week. If you’re new, please know that you can always join us live in the Charleston area or by streaming wherever you are (or whenever you want to join). You may also know that […]
God’s Divine Interruptions
Good morning, Making Space for God friends. One week until Christmas- the time we celebrate the birth of Christ. It seems I have to fight to remember the reason for the season as I make my way through lists of shopping, baking, and the like. I think Santa Claus is a cute enough fellow, but […]
A Gentle Answer
Today’s topic for making space for God Monday is based on the following Scripture: A gentle answer turns away wrath. Why is this the topic for today? Because I am trying to prepare us for the Christmas season. As we celebrate the advent of Jesus we also must prepare to celebrate with the arrival of […]