Don’t Postpone Joy
Sometimes I find myself saying things like: Tomorrow will be a better day. Or If I do (blank) then I will find joy. Or… If I buy this new thing it will make me feel better. Or if I had more money… You get where I am going with this. Let’s face it. It’s easy […]
What Rules Your Day?
I have a question for you today. What would you say rules your day? In case that question seems a bit vague, let me ask you this in another way. What do you spend the most time thinking about? Your job Your next meal Relationships Fear What would you say consumes your thoughts and actions daily? […]
The Super Woman Syndrome
Although my blogs are read by men and women, this blog is directed primarily to women because women seem to struggle more with feelings of inadequacy, believing we are not enough. Perhaps I am wrong. But because I am around women most every day, I am acutely aware of this. Why do we think we […]
Has Your Light Been Dimmed?
As I sit to write this blog today, the question in my heart is: “Has your light been dimmed?” Jesus declared that we are a city on a hill and our light is supposed to shine brightly. I don’t know about you, but the last few months, I had grown weary and the thought […]
Being Fruitful, Not Busy
I hear from so many women all the time about how they are overwhelmed with life – they’re stressed out and burned out. Women of God, that is not His plan for us. He wants us to seek Him and follow His lead. Here is an entry from my Sitting at His Feet devotional about […]
Video Blog – Pressing On
Today I want to share a video about pressing on in our spiritual journeys. Whether you’re exhausted from the strain of the pandemic or the hectic start of a new, virtual school year, it is important that we keep pressing on. God has great things in store for you! Women of God, if you […]
Video Blog – Breathe, Just Breathe
You may have heard me speak many times about sharing Christ with those around us by sharing Christ within us. As such, I also wanted to share with you this video about “just breathing” in the presence of God. This is not only relevant to the message about our culture but also during this […]
Are Your Lines Crossed?
This week I finally called Comcast. I say finally because my internet has gone out multiple times and then it comes back on. It did not work for me to unplug the modem as we are told to do. It didn’t help to talk to the Comcast agents for what seemed like an eternity. You […]
Hindsite 2020 Video Blog
As we have been sheltering in place, I have heard comments that range from “ I am struggling with home schooling, I need a break” to “ I am lonely and feeling isolated.” We can all agree that the pandemic has impacted each of in different ways. Many have lost their jobs and their sense […]
Time Out
We are just beginning to emerge from from a world wide “time out”. It is surreal to think that the pandemic caused many of us to shelter at home. Now we are beginning to reopen cities, jobs returning and a new normal is being set for us. But before we race off to the new […]