Do You Want to See Jesus?

Welcome to Making Space Mondays! As a community of faith, we are on a journey to make space for God so let’s start our week off with a question: ” Do you want to see Jesus?” There was  man named Zacchaeus who wanted to see him. No doubt he had heard about him as word […]

Peace and Joy on the Earth

We are officially at the beginning of Advent; a time to focus on the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ; a time to reflect and rejoice and remember why we celebrate Christmas– the coming of Christ! Reflect Rejoice Remember Mary, the mother of Jesus had a surprise visit from the angel Gabriel. He seems to […]

Give Thanks (Video Blog)

This morning as we approach Thanksgiving day, I am reminded how blessed we are to live in this country- the home of the free and the brave; the home where we can worship freely- one nation under God. We must remember that God still sits on the throne of this world and that His purposes […]

God’s Promises Stand

This week in our study of Romans, we looked at Romans 9 and how God’s promises stand. It is important for us as we study Romans 9 to keep the “bigger picture” in mind. What emerges is a picture Paul paints with words and at the end, we will see the whole painting. For example, […]

Waiting on God’s Promises

In preparation for this week’s lesson that I am teaching titled “God’s Promises Stand” we are focusing on Roman chapter 9. By the way, you are welcome to join us live or online anytime. In my quiet time this morning as I read through this chapter, I imagined Paul writing to his friends, his Jewish […]

More than Conquerors

This week in our study of Romans, we continued in Romans 8, focusing on Romans 8:28, which I like to call the Mount Everest of Scripture. I believe there is no passage of Scripture that holds more comfort for believers during trials than this verse. We live in a world of tension between good and […]

Time is Short (Guest Blog)

Good morning, Making Space for God community! Today I want to share with you a guest post from Mark Andrews, a friend and Drawing Near to God Board of Directors member. Mark’s post, “Time is Short” reminds us, especially during this busy season, about the importance of using our time wisely, and using it to […]

Living the Spirit-Filled Life

This week as we continued our journey through Romans, we talked about living a Spirit-filled life. In Romans, Paul built upon the struggle that was expressed in Romans 7 – the struggle between sin and man. In our lesson this week, looking at Romans 8, Paul now turns his focus to the Holy Spirit, the […]

About this Time of Year

About this time of year, we start gearing up for the holidays. I have a confession to make. I don’t want to sound grumpy but I wish we would really gear down. I wish this season really was a holiday– a time to be refreshed; a time to be reflective, to soak in the glory […]

Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

This week in our journey through Romans, we dove into Romans 6 and looked at how we are “Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ.” What does that mean, exactly? Well, in this chapter, Paul paints a glorious picture of our baptism from death to life. In Romans 5 he writes that while we were still […]