
This morning I decided to have my devotional time outside as the sun was rising. I expected it to be a serene quiet time but the activity of the birds and squirrels made it fairly noisy! I loved watching the birds on the feeder. And then… a persistent squirrel made his way to the bird […]

Feed My Sheep

Good morning and welcome to Making Space  for God Mondays where as a community of believers we seek to make space for God. Today we are going to answer the question: What field has God placed us in and who are we supposed to be feeding? What I mean in common language is; Where has God placed me […]

What Rules Your Day?

I have a question for our Making Space for God community today. What would you say rules your day? In case that question seems a bit vague, let me ask you this in another way. What do you spend the most time thinking about? Your job Your next meal Relationships Fear What would you say […]

Fear is a Bully

Today’s blog is about Making Space in our lives for courage. Fear is simply a bully. At one point or another, we have all experienced a bully—that person who tries to intimidate and control you. I had a friend in elementary school who was a certified bully. Kids would either avoid her or cower under […]

Love Has a Name

Lately I have been hearing a whole lot of talk about love– what love is and what it is not both in secular and in faith circles. And what I find fascinating is that we talk about love in so many ways. Love is defined. according to Google search, as An intense feeling of deep affection, […]

God Bless America

Today we celebrate Memorial Day. Memorial Day is an American holiday, observed on the last Monday of May, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. As Christians, we have a responsibility to pray for our country– for […]

A Road Filled with Hope

Earlier this week, I wrote a blog post, Worrying is Not an Option. When we worry, we are wasting our time and more. I encourage you to read the most for more thoughts on worry. The antidote to worry is trusting God. On that note, I wanted to share with you the comfort the Lord […]

Worrying is Not an Option

What if worrying were not an option? What if we had only two options: 1. Trust God 2. Let go of control.   Actually, as part of humankind, we all worry at one time or another. It’s in our nature. But wouldn’t it be fabulous if we could not worry; if we simply could not […]

Video Blog – Breathe

Ever feel like you’re running every which way, trying to keep up? Or maybe those of you that live in the Charleston area right now are trying to run every which way but find yourself just sitting in traffic 😉 God calls us to breathe in His presence constantly, especially when we feel stressed and crazed […]

The Nurturing Love of God

Good morning Making Space for God friends! Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I had a glorious day celebrating my 91-year-old mother. For those of you who know her you are smiling right now saying, “She is one amazing lady!” And for those of you who do not know her, just ask me or my two […]