Seek His Kingdom First

Good morning and welcome to Abiding Space blog. Some of you may have discovered us inadvertently but I am glad you are here. Every week we discuss ways to make space for God to help us from being overwhelmed with life. As women we are busy multi-taskers, some of us raising children. balancing work and […]

Brotherly Love

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves.  Romans 12:9-10  Unconditional love, agape love, must be the basis for all that we  do.  Paul exhorts Christians in the 1st century church, and likewise today,  to be sincere […]

Hindsite 2020 Video Blog

As we have been sheltering in place, I have heard comments that range from “ I am struggling with home schooling, I need a break” to “ I am lonely and feeling isolated.” We can all agree that the pandemic has impacted each of in different ways. Many have lost their jobs and their sense […]

Time Out

We are just beginning to emerge from from a world wide “time out”. It is surreal to think that the pandemic caused many of us to shelter at home. Now we are beginning to reopen cities, jobs returning and a new normal is being set for us. But before we race off to the new […]

Bringing His Comforting Presence

Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the LORD comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones. Isaiah 49:13   Isaiah told the people that God would bring strength to the weary, increase the power of the weak, and bring streams in the desert. Although […]

Worry is Not Your Friend

  Good morning making space for God friends. Today we are going to look at the subject of worrying. Throughout the years my Mother told me that worrying is a sin. I always rolled my eyes until recently when I pondered what she meant by that. The Greek word for sin is amartia which means […]

Be Anxious For Nothing

Beloved friends, who would have ever thought we would live through something such as Covid 19? I sure didn’t. I didn’t even think about potential pandemics. Living in Charleston, SC I have had enough to think about when hurricane season rolls around. But after this season of fear, anxiety, and loss of control, I realize […]

Revive Us

Today my heart is heavy as two of my priests tested positive with the Corona Virus. My third priest has been sick for weeks and has also been tested.  One of them is on ventilator. COVID 19  has shut down communities and caused anxiety and fear to rise up in many. So how do we […]

Press into God

The Lord is my Shepherd; I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil for you are with me, […]


Good morning and welcome to Making Space Mondays. Today we face a crisis that many of us never thought we would experience in our lifetime.  Sickness, disease, yes, but a pandemic (definition- prevalent over a whole country or world) probably not.  In an article on the story of influenza, I learned that in the late […]